I Love iPads. And teaching math.

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So I ❤️  iPads in the classroom. I also love teaching math. In fact, I love these two things so much that in my last position I was able to combine these two things into one position. Kind of, sort of.

(Quick recap: In my last position I was somehow able to convince administration to let me do math intervention with K-2 in the morning and teach in the technology lab with K-2 in the afternoons. Since I had a bunch of iPads already through the technology lab, I used them frequently in intervention.)

Anyhoohow, while serving in this role I collected a number of apps that helped develop math skills, and particularly number sense, in these early math grades. To make my planning easier I categorized and organized my collection digitally. Below is my collection of fave math apps for early math.

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Users on mobile devices (and desktop users) can view the document in a new window. Click here to view.

What are your favorite math apps? Comment below!
